Sunday, January 18, 2015

...And then another three went by...

Well, we clearly haven't been great about keeping up with the adventures of Mochi and Obiee over the last several years. I guess we've just been too busy having fun to stop and write about our adventures. mommy will try to recap in installments.

Last time mommy wrote, we were headed into the home stretch of earning mommy's MPH. Mochi and Obiee remained great study buddies throughout that time, especially during late-night (and all-night) paper writing sessions. Mochi was particularly faithful. Obiee sometimes gave up and went to bed around 2 am looking very, very tired. Maybe as a throwback to those old days, Mochi still (3 years later!) won't get up to go to bed right away when mommy says it's time. He waits until mommy stays in the bedroom for a few minutes before he comes to bed, and even then sometimes we have to call him. Obiee, on the other hand, still jumps up to go to bed at the sound of the TV & audio receiver clicking off.

Daddy was pretty good about taking the boys out for evening and weekend walks while mommy studied. In the spring of 2012 (a few weeks before graduation), daddy started taking the boys out on long (1.5-2 hour) walks. Mommy felt a little left out, but a few times she snuck out with the family to clear her head.

After graduation, we spent a lot of weekend time on long walks/hikes in local parks and trails. We even tromped through the creek (pre-drought) during the hot summer. Obiee was ever eager to try something new. Mochi was a little hesitant but did it for mommy...and then loved it!

We also resumed family walks after dinner. Obiee was so conditioned for our nightly walks that he started coming to the dinner table to remind us when our conversation indicated we were finished eating. He's quite perceptive, and it's pretty hard to say no to his determined stare.

Besides Mochi's overnight ER stay for eating about 1 lb of See's chocolate truffles (more to come on that), our life felt like it was back to normal. And then 10 months ago we introduced a tiny human into our pack.

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