Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's confirmed

Obiee's a poo eater.

Here's a picture...

unrelated to this post, fortunately.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Let there be dark

While we're at work, we typically keep the boys in a part of the house that doesn't get much direct sunlight during the day. So they don't go too crazy, we leave a couple upright lamps on before we leave for the day.

A few weeks ago, Tracy came home, opened the door, and entered an essentially dark house (and two dogs incredibly happy someone was home). She remembered turning on one of the lamps, but not the other.  Hmm. So she then walked over to one of the lamps, flipped the switch, and nothing happened. Ok, so maybe the bulb burned out. As she turned to walk away, her eyes scanned the ground and noticed this:

Yep, someone chewed up the cord while it was plugged in. Just like Mochi did before we got Obiee. And yet, whoever did it survived with no ill effects. Dopey dogs.

Because pictures == goodness, here's another one:

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I had the opportunity to work from home on Friday, so naturally the boys jumped on my lap just as I would get my laptop set up.

Anyway, after spending most of the morning either jumping on my lap, Tracy's lap, or barking at the neighbors, the dogs finally settled down for a nap. Mochi was on my lap and Obiee was curled up right next to me. Obiee seems to dream more often than Mochi, or at least he moves his body and legs while sleeping more than Mochi does. He also sleeps a *lot* harder than Mochi. Part of that might be due to the fact that he really likes to put his nose down into whatever blanket or cloth is nearby. I used to worry that he would suffocate himself, but I've learned that that's just his sleeping style. Mochi prefers to curl up in a ball and leave enough room to breathe normally. :)

Sometimes I wish dogs had an off switch, but then I wouldn't appreciate these calm moments nearly as much. Then again, with an off switch, I wouldn't need to appreciate those moments as much because I wouldn't be yelling at the dogs as often. Woe is me, I know. :P